Tag Archives: blueberries

A Brief Sojourn in the Northeast Kingdom…continued

Yet another day spent in America’s glorious Northeast Kingdon. I may even be your King, or at the very least a Prince. Archduke?

A quick update really, for all y’all Manboy aficionados.

An atrocious, atrocious day. 34 degrees this morning according to Weather Bug, although in all honestly it did feel warmer. Riding through Rumsford, Maine at noon time, a bank sign noted that it was 50 degrees. I stayed relatively warm, bundled up in all of my clothes and jacket and pant liners, but I didn’t think I would need this shit until Alaska. It rained all day long and I did not see one bit of the sun. The rains would not stop.

New rain overpants are functional but make me look like a genie, or MC Hammer.

That’s fine, they do their job well enough I suppose. There is no such thing as a perfect rainsuit. 99% of all cultivated-wild blueberry farmers agree on this very fact. I know because I’m warm and dry and staying at a Wild Blueberry farm in Cherryfield, ME. Why I’m even typing this from a child’s bed, which is fine because I’m warm and dry. Ben and his son Rowan are an absolute delight and a gift to the weary traveller. Rowan downloaded a bunch of games on my phone and Dad made me a delicious steak, oyster mushroom soup, and fresh bacon, greens, and brussels sprout medley.

 An absolute feast really, sumptuous and succulent, better than most restaurants even, and topped off with two Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups no less. Better than spooning peanut butter out of the jar, eh? Or even a can or delicious, delicious sardines? Sure, but don’t let Ronnie Peabody, cultivator of the Maine Coastal Sardine Museum, hear that!

All this can be yours too, although you will need make an incredible journey through the wilds of Maine, ride your motorbike in drenching, punishing rains, and then win the hearts and minds of both father and son. Or find them through couchsurfing.org. But always be nice, just like Dalton says. Be nice.

I’ve got a date with destiny tomorrow at the Sardine Museum in Jonesport. 1:30pm sharp. Wish me luck, I’ll need it!

Greetings from beautiful sunny Cherryfield, ME!

Word on the street

“So, where ya goin’ first?”

Spoken from a thousand lips, this is the question most often posed and I have grown weary of it. A normal question no doubt, totally unoffensive and all, but the mind reels at the answer. Don’t these people realize that there are preparations to make, insurances to cancel, loans to defer!? I quit my job man!

“Wherever the fuck I want”

This is what I answer in my head. But my mouth usually says “upstate” or “the Adirondacks.” It doesn’t really matter anyway, because that answer doesn’t really satiate anyone anyway. I think people want to hear, “Vegas” or “the Grand Canyon” or something like that. In due time people, in due time.

However, word on the street says that the CB500T WILL be pointed in the direction of a friend’s cabin in the hinterlands of New York, but a short skip over Lake Champlain and the Magic Hat brewery. TMZ is also reporting that your author has a VIP tour scheduled at the Maine Coast Sardine Museum on Wednesday following a couchsurfing appearance at an organic Blueberry Farm.

Best to stay tuned.